The 30th Aethyr
I tried several times prior to this evening to scry the 30th Aethyr but technical failure spoiled the rituals every time and I was left without results. The first time, my script was incomplete, leaving me without a way to proceed. The second time, I forgot to make a little paper PELE ring and by the time I put it together the magic was lost and I was out of steam. Another time, I forgot, after voicing the 30th call, to chant the names of the governors, and so of course nothing happened.
But this evening I finally got it right. First of all, let me share an image so you can see my general setup and the environment I’m working in.
I sat on this comfy old sofa with the Holy Table of Practice and all the associated paraphernalia on a small coffee table before me: the Sigillum Dei Aemeth, the Ensigns of Creation, the Tablet of Nalvage, and my tiny crystal ball. Because the heavy paper I drew the Table of Practice on would not lay flat, I placed quartz crystals on two of the corners to keep them from rolling up.
I began the ritual at approximately 8:30pm, first with the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, and then the Ceremony of Preparation as outlined in Lon Milo Duquette’s book, “Enochian Vision Magick”.
Chanting all the Enochian letters that encircle the Holy table seven times takes a looong time, and my mind begins to wander. I imagine this is the part that’s suppose to put me into a trance, but instead I find myself thinking about stuff I need to do at work and the cool socks I want to buy and maybe I should order them online rather than buy them at the store because it takes forever to get to that part of town and online is instant except what if I am not at home when they are delivered. You know, that sort of thing. But maybe that’s all part of the magick.
Then I called the 30th Aethyr in Enochian, which I’ve been practicing over and over in the evenings over the past couple of weeks. The first time I tried to do a read-through it was painfully obvious that some practice would be necessary before I could actually spit the whole thing out in the context of a ritual. I’m happy to say that I’ve finally gotten to the point where I can actually get through it without too much trouble. During this evening’s ritual, as I recited it, this was the point at which I started to feel the world become a little less solid.
Finally, I began to chant the four names of the governors of the Aethyr, and this is when reality made it’s big slide into irreality.
Sounds — even my own voice — began to sound strange, like they were being processed through a vocoder. I chanted the names over and over, just enjoying the strange sound of them, knowing that I had made contact with the Aethyr.
Then I stopped chanting and sat still with my eyes closed, waiting for … something. For a few moments I didn’t see anything and I wondered why. Reality had clearly shifted, so I should have been seeing something, right?
And then I began to notice that I was outside in an open field and there was a circle of people gathered around me, watching me. It did not feel uncomfortable or strange. I wondered, what are we doing? Are we waiting for something?
After a few moments everything shifted and I found that I was in a cave. There was a ‘wizard man’ in front of me, walking from the inside of the cave to it’s mouth, where he climbed up some rocks to get to the gaping exit. He looked like a wizard to me because he wore a long blue robe and a pointy blue hat that were both covered with white stars, and small points of white light encircled him like he had a string of christmas lights strung around him. He had long white hair and a long white beard. A kind of stereotypical ‘wizard’, like you’d see in a cartoon.
I got the feeling that I should follow him up to the mouth of the cave, so I started forward, but then a huge chasm opened up between where I stood and where he was. I stopped in my tracks, uncertain what to do.
He motioned to me with his hand that I should follow regardless of the lack of ground, so I took a step forward, and found that I did not fall. Instead, a gold dust condensed under my foot steps and held me up firmly. I wondered where the gold dust came from, and then noticed that it was coming out of my body in a fine mist. If I shook my arms, gold dust seeped out of me into the air, kind of like when you shake a dusty carpet and dust gets everywhere. Except this was gold and it was beautiful. I shook gold dust all over the place because it was so pretty to look at as I walked across the chasm to where the wizard stood.
We sat down on the rocks at the cave entrance and looked out over the land before us. It was sunset and the sky was a dusky lavender-pink.
Who were those people in the ring around me before? I asked him.
They came out to meet you. They wanted to see you, he responded. I had kind of a hard time hearing him at first because he wasn’t speaking words, he was communicating telepathically and it felt weird to have another person’s thoughts in my head, unmitigated by words and speech.
What is this gold dust? Why is it coming out of me?
You’ve always had gold dust in you like this but you were not aware of it. You can use it whenever you want, just like you did now. When you don’t believe something is possible, or if you have a deep fear, you can use the gold dust to overcome it.
It made so much sense when he said this. But I’m going to have to meditate on this one to fully unpack it.
Who are you? I asked him.
My name is Gemnimb. I’m one of the Governors of this Aethyr, he responded.
You remind me of a philosophy professor I once had but I’ve forgotten his name, it was so long ago.
That was professor Chandler, he said and smiled.
This shook me to the core, because I knew the information wasn’t coming from me. I had tried to remember this professor’s name countless times over the years, and now Governor Gemnimb of the 30th Aethyr had just told me what it was.
I was jarred out of trance.
I immediately went to my computer and did a google search. Yes, that was the guy’s name–the information was correct. He’s listed on the university website as a professor emeritus now.
I’m amazed with what I’ve experienced this evening. To be honest, I was expecting another botched ritual, and instead I got full contact. Wow.
Over the coming days, I’d like to meditate on what Governor Gemnimb shared with me regarding the gold dust. I want to see how I can integrate this into my everyday life.
And as for next steps, I feel like I should visit the 30th Aethyr again before moving up to the 29th. I feel like I was jolted out of my vision prematurely and there might be more that I can learn or should do. Like, should I have introduced myself to the ring of people? And if nothing else I feel that I should thank Governor Gemnimb for the information he gave me and say a proper goodbye before moving on.